If you work from home, you understand the perks of the position as well as the downsides. The biggest threat to your productivity is likely either boredom or lack of structure; however, even if you’re organized down to 10-minute increments of your day, burnout can still get you when you least expect it. Fortunately, home…
Easy Ways to Upgrade Your Home Office (Without Breaking the Bank)
Did you know that over 42% of Americans started working from home in 2020? And it doesn’t look like we’re returning to a fully brick and mortar work experience anytime soon. In fact, SHRM reports that over 80% of companies plan to keep remote working options permanently. So, the work-from-home lifestyle isn’t going anywhere. If…
Basics You Should Know to Get Your Local Business Running
Have you been considering starting your own business in your local city or community? If so, you’re in great company. Small business ownership is an increasingly popular choice for entrepreneurial, self-motivated individuals who enjoy setting their own goals and being their own boss. And when you start a business in your area, you are also…
6 Areas Even Experienced Entrepreneurs Should Seek Help
Whether you’re just starting out or have been in business for years, you can’t be an expert ateverything. This is especially true as it pertains to technology, which changes every day, andlegal processes that can be confusing, at best. The good news here is that you live in the digitalage, and you have access to…
Over-Working From Home and Finding Time to Relax
Yeah, things are pretty strange right now. The days are all blending, weeks pass by like days, we’re not interacting like we used to, and most of our workloads haven’t gotten any smaller. If anything, they’ve increased. I know mine has. All these factors, when taken together, make it easy to overdo it and overwork…
Meta Box Generator for WordPress v3
Updated 2020/12/18 Happy Thanksgiving, here’s the third iteration of my meta box generator for WordPress. Below is a summary of the features and how to use it. I’m interested to hear your thoughts and ideas for what to add/change moving forward. Meta Box General Settings Title and description are leftovers from the previous versions. Key…