One of the basic foundations of all websites is a web hosting. A good web hosting will ensure that your site is easily accessible by users and search engines at all times. It will help keep your site safe and secure from potential harms like virus, spam, malware and hacking. Also, it will make it easier for you to incorporate new technologies which will help you stay ahead of your competitors in this online world.
A low-quality web host, on the other hand, could lead to a poor user experience due to frequent downtime and slow website speed and load time. It could also compromise your site’s security, as most of these sub-standard web hosts don’t offer a robust security framework. Additionally, these web host often fail to provide essential features that are important to run a functional website.
Thus, in order to stay away from all these issues, which could invariably affect your site’s credibility, it is important to choose the best web hosting for your business website. However, it is quite common to make mistakes when it comes to selecting a web host for your website. As there are many hosting service providers out there, selecting from amongst them can be a challenge.
Therefore, if you are facing issues with your current hosting provider then here is a checklist of hosting warning signs that will help you discern whether or not you have picked a low-quality web hosting company. This checklist comes in the form of an infographic and comprises of 21 warning signs. These signs are a clear indication that your hosting service provider is terrible and you need to make the switch right away if you don’t want to hurt your site’s bottom line.
Thus, check out this infographic now and for future reference print this infographic for free and keep it handy.
21 Warnings That Indicate It’s Time to (Switch) Your Web Hosting Right Away[Infographic] by the team at